137-09 Fashion Designer's Showroom
136-14 Misc. Clouds + Sunsets
135-15 Christmas '05 Raleigh, NC
118-10 Beach: Aug 27 2005
116-06 FLW's Falling Water
112-15 Boston and New Haven
109-13 "The Gates" Central Park
108-10 MoMA returns
107-19 Christmas '04 WI + NY
106-05 Visit with the Marshalls
104-10 Zambia: Shopping & Safari
102-16 Sheboygan / Chicago visit
094 Building a Computer
091 Apartment Transform
089 Thanksgiving Croton on Hudson
087 homer family reunion - pa
072 Leisurely London Tour pt.1
073 Leisurely London Tour pt.2
070 Netherlands tour pt. 1
071 netherlands tour pt. 2